
Mode Gelap
Anggota DPRD Sumenep Desak Bupati Segera Pecat Camat dan Sekcam Masalembu yang Sering Bolos Bupati Sumenep Diminta Bersikap Atasi Pejabat Nakal Camat dan Sekcam Masalembu yang Sering Bolos Warga Sebut Pj Kades Ainul Yakin yang Juga Sekcam Masalembu Hampir 1 Tahun Tidak di Masakambing Kantor Kecamatan Masalembu jadi Sarang Pejabat Nakal, PNS Taufiqurrahman juga Sering Bolos Berbulan-bulan Parah, Camat dan Sekcam Masalembu Kembali Tidak Masuk Kantor Berhari-hari

· 30 Mar 2020 16:15 WIB

The Best Accessories for Going Swimming

 Regardless of whether you're going to the beach or pool, make sure you have goggles, noodles and other flotation devices. Your time in the water will never be more enjoyable. Perbesar

Regardless of whether you're going to the beach or pool, make sure you have goggles, noodles and other flotation devices. Your time in the water will never be more enjoyable.

Summer. The word itself sounds so relaxing and soothing to the senses. And nothing is more soothing in the summer than swimming.

At the very least, there’s certainly nothing more cooling or refreshing than a quick trip to the pool. Indeed, with the temperatures rising and vacations in high gear, it’s prime time to take a trip to the beach or head to your favorite resort pool and enjoy one of America’s favorite summer pastimes: swimming.

To ensure your next trip to the pool is as relaxing and successful as ever, however, there are some essential items everybody should consider bringing. So, whether it’s just a casual day of cooling off, a special summer pool party or family fun day, here’s a to-do list that covers all pool partygoers.

* First and foremost, lather up with suntan lotions. And then bring more in your tote bag so you can reapply after a round or two of swimming. There’s nothing more frustrating when you settle in and realize you forgot your supplies and need to buy more.

* Pack swimming gear. Regardless of whether you’re going to the beach or pool, make sure you have goggles, noodles and other flotation devices. Your time in the water will never be more enjoyable.

* Bring some snacks and drinks. After some rigorous swimming or leisurely baking in the sun, you’re bound to build up an appetite or have a need to quench your thirst.

* Don’t forget your spittoon. Being at the pool in a bikini or trunks can leave one very exposed to say the least. If you’re a smokeless tobacco user, there’s even less opportunity to take a discreet “dip” while you’re taking a dip in the pool.

That is, unless you own a portable spittoon created by Atlanta-based FLASR. These new 4-ounce pocket-sized spittoons are brilliantly designed to allow users to easily open and close with just one hand, making them ideal items to bring to the pool or any other public setting so you can still enjoy your smokeless tobacco. Another advantage to the FLASR flask is its advanced closing mechanism that ensures it stays securely closed when not in use, eliminating the risk of any messy spills or leaks in the pool that come with those gaudy bottles or drink cups of old.

For more information, please visit

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